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Version: v4


NativeWind provides the remapProps utility to simplify working with third-party components with multiple "style" props.

import { remapProps } from "nativewind";

ThirdPartyButton is a component with two "style" props, buttonStyle & labelStyle.
We can use remapProps to create new props that accept Tailwind CSS's classNames.
const CustomizedButton = remapProps(ThirdPartyButton, {
buttonClass: "buttonStyle",
labelClass: "labelStyle",

<CustomizedButton buttonClass="bg-blue-500" labelClass="text-white" />;

remapProps can be used with the following options

// Create a new prop and map it to an existing prop
remapProps(component, { "new-prop": "existing-prop" });

// Override an existing prop.
remapProps(component, { prop: true });